The New Chronology

by Ken Sampson
(Larne. U.K.)

In Akhenaten’s twelfth year the palace at Ugarit in Tyre was partially destroyed by fire. Three thousand years later, a tiny clay tablet was recovered at Amarna from the charred ruins of the palace archive.

The tablet, EA 151 was written to Akhenaten by Abimilku, ruler of Tyre. This tablet records a solar eclipse at Ugarit just as the sun was setting over the Mediterranean Sea. This almost unique event (occurring once in every four thousand years or so) has been calculated ( using astronomy computer programmes) to have taken place in 1012 B.C. - nearly three hundred and thirty years later than the conventional date of Akhenaten’s twelfth year - but exactly when the heretic Pharaoh succeeded his father, Amenhotep III, in the New Chronology.

Comments please.

Ken S.

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Mar 29, 2012
The Tower of Babel & Ancient Egyptians
by: Anonymous

The Global flood was in 2344 B.C. some 1656 years after Adam's creation (4000 B.C.). The origins of Egyptian civilization according to Bible chronology may have arose this way.
(Genesis 11:1-8, Genesis 10:6 & Genesis 10:13-14)

Mizraim/Djoser lived 2334-2224 B.C. reigning over Egypt 2243-2224 B.C. builds Step Pyramid.

Path-ru-sim lived 2304-2234 B.C. deified as priest Ptah over Pathros (Ezekiel 29:14)Priest Imhotep living in Djoser's reign worshipped Ptah.

Snef-ru lived 2265-2200 B.C. reigning over Egypt 2224-2200 B.C.

Khufu lived 2233-2177 B.C. born at Elephantine reigning over Egypt 2200-2177 B.C.

The Egyptians left Sumer/Shinar in 2243 B.C. This means Mizraim, Pathrusim and Sneferu were present at the Tower of Babel when Sargon/Nimrod had built the Tower. Nimrod was Mizraim's nephew. This means the Step Pyramid was built soon after the Egyptians left Sumer for Africa.

Khufu's father was Snefru, grandfather was Pathru-sim,great-grandfather was Mizraim/Djoser and great-great-grandfather was Ham.

Mar 28, 2012
Population Pyramid Chronology
by: Anonymous

There were 8 people who left Noah's ark. Three were women of child bearing age.

2344-2329 B.C. 20-40 people exist. 8 original plus 12-32 babies = 20-40 people.
2329-2314 B.C. 40-80 people now exist.
2314-2299 B.C. 80-160 people now exist.
2299-2284 B.C. 160-500 people....exist.
2284-2269 B.C. 500-1500..........exist.
2269-2254 B.C. 1500-4500.........exist.
2254-2239 B.C. 4500-12000........exist.

Humanity leaves the Tower of Babel in 2243 B.C.

2239-2224 B.C. 12000-36000.......exist.
2224-2209 B.C. 36000-100000......exist.
2209-2194 B.C. 100000-300000.....exist.
2194-2179 B.C. 300000-900000.....exist.

There are 7 Egyptian tribes of 70 listed in the Table of Nations in Genesis chapter 10. Egyptians make up 10% of the world's population.

Zahi Hawass claimed some 20,000 Egyptians worked on the Great Pyramid at Giza, while Herodotus used the inflated 100,000 laborers on the pyramid.

2200-2177 B.C. Khufu son of Snefru 2224-2200 B.C. and grandson of Mizraim/Djoser 2243-2224 B.C.
(Genesis 10:6 & Genesis 13-14)built the Great Pyramid made up of 2,500,000 stone blocks.

The population of Egypt was 30,000-90,000 people. Herodotus claimed the entire Egyptian population worked on Khufu's pyramid.

If there were 5,000 laborers in one years time moving 250 blocks an average worker a year = 125,000 blocks x 20 years = 2,500,000 stone blocks.

According to mathematics Khufu was the son of Snefru,the grandson of Mizraim/Djoser and the great-grandson of Ham.

Mar 26, 2012
From Adam's creation to Moses
by: Jerod

4000 B.C. Adam's creation (Genesis 5:1)
3870 B.C. Seth born...... (Genesis 5:3)
3765 B.C. Enos born...... (Genesis 5:6)
3675 B.C. Cainan born.... (Genesis 5:9)
3605 B.C. Mahalaleel born (Genesis 5:12)
3540 B.C. Jared born..... (Genesis 5:15)
3378 B.C. Enoch born..... (Genesis 5:18)
3313 B.C. Methuselah..... (Genesis 5:21)name means when he dies the flood shall come.

3126 B.C. Lamech.born.... (Genesis 5:25)
2944 B.C. Noah...born.... (Genesis 5:28-29)
2344 B.C. The Global Flood (Genesis 7:11)
2342 B.C. Arpachshad born. (Genesis 11:10)
2307 B.C. Salah born...... (Genesis 11:12)
2277 B.C. Eber born....... (Genesis 11:14)
2243 B.C. Peleg born...... (Genesis 11:16)
2213 B.C. Reu born........ (Genesis 11:18)
2181 B.C. Serug born...... (Genesis 11:20)
2151 B.C. Nahor born...... (Genesis 11:22)
2122 B.C. Terah born...... (Genesis 11:24)

1992 B.C. Abraham is 75 when Terah was 130 years old. (Genesis 11:32 & Genesis 12:4) Abraham born.
1892 B.C. Isaac is born... (Genesis 17:17)
1832 B.C. Jacob born...... (Genesis 25:26)
1741 B.C. Joseph born..... 39 years before Jacob age 130 entered Egypt. (Genesis 47:9) Joseph age 30 becomes governor of Egypt. Seven years of plenty plus 2 years of famine = 30 + 7 + 2 = 39 years.

1702 B.C. Jacob entered Egypt. (Genesis 47:9)

1747-1610 B.C. Levi Moses great-grandfather.
1714-1581 B.C. Kohath Moses grandfather.
1684-1547 B.C. Amram Moses father.
1575-1495 B.C. Moses 80 at the Exodus.

Moses lives 1575-1455 B.C.

Mar 24, 2012
Assyrian Chronology part four
by: Lujack Skylark

711-688 B.C.
Assyrian king Sennacherib is murdered by his two sons: Adram-melech and Sharezer. (2 Kings 19:36-37)

687-676 B.C.
King Esarhaddon reigns over Assyria. Esarhaddon won victory over Egyptian king Taharka's army in 678 B.C. Necho I of Sais appointed by the Assyrians as new Egyptian king.
Judah's king Manasseh (696-641 B.C.) was taken to Assyria (2 Chronicles 33:11) during Esarhaddon's reign. Egyptians revolt and Esarhaddon marches again against Egypt but he dies along the way there.

675-633 B.C.
Ashur-banipal defeats Taharka's army and Taharka flees to Ethiopia. Judah's king Manasseh returns to reign Israel.

632-629 B.C.
Ashur-Etil-Llani and Sin-Shar-Ishkun are brothers who reign over Assyria. Civil war occurs.

628-612 B.C.
Sin-Shar-Ishkun fights Babylonian king Nabopolassar and Babylonian troops enter his palace finding him dead.

611-605 B.C.
Assyrian general Ashur-Uballit II retreats to Haran and wins victory. Pharoah Necho II (2 Chronicles 35:20) on his way to Charchemish slays Israel's king Josiah.

605 B.C.
Some 19 years before Nebuchadnezzar destroys Solomon's temple in 586 B.C. the Babylonian king destroyed the Assyrian and Egyptian armies at Charchemish.
Zedekiah 587-586 B.C. 10th year 587 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar's 18th year 587 B.C. (Jeremiah 32:1)

Assyrian chronology from Ashur-Uballit I 1413-1376 B.C. to Ashur-Uballit 611-605 B.C. - the missing blanks in Assyrian history have been filled as related to Biblical chronology.

Mar 24, 2012
Assyrian Chronology part 3
by: Lujack Skylark

Where Assyrian history matches the Bible.

1021-981 B.C. Assyrian king Ashur-Rabi II reigns.
980-976..B.C. ....Ashur-Reshi II reigns.
975-944..B.C. ....Tiglath-Pilesar II.
943-921..B.C. ....Ashur-Dan II.
920-900..B.C. ....Adad-Nirari II.

Israel's king Ahab 921-899 B.C. built a House of Ivory (1 Kings 22:39)
899-893..B.C. ....Tukulti-Ninurta received inlaid ivory furniture from Phoenicia.

892-868 B.C. ....Ashur-Nasir-Pal.
867-833 B.C. ....Shalmanesar III receives tribute from Israel's king Jehu 884-856 B.C.

832-820 B.C. ....Shamshi-Adad....
819-792 B.C. ....Adad-Nirari III.
791-781 B.C. ....Shalmanesar IV..
780-763 B.C. ....Ashur-Dan III...
762-754 B.C. ....Ashur-Nirari V..

753-734 B.C. ....Tiglath-Pilesar III attacks Syria as we witness in (2 Kings 16:7-8)Judah's king Ahaz reigned 741-725 B.C. (2 Kings 16:2)

733-729 B.C. ....Shalmanesar V Hoshea defeated.
728-712 B.C. ....Sargon II destroys Ashdod, Israel in 727 B.C. Egyptian pharaoh Shabaka loses war against the Assyrian Sargon II like stated in Isaiah 20:1-5.

711-688 B.C. ....Sennacherib's first year 711 B.C. Hezekiah's 14th year (725-696 B.C.) 711 B.C. (2 Chronicles 29:1)(2 Kings 18:13) he came up against Jerusalem and his 185,000 man army was slain by God. (2 Kings 19:35)

Could this miracle happening in Hezekiah's lifetime occur in the times in which we live?

Five sixths of Israel's enemies: Russia, Turkey, Iran and a multitude of other anti-Semites will be destroyed upon the mountains of Israel in the very near future. (Ezekiel 39:2-4) Israel's enemies will become bird food.

Mar 22, 2012
The Skeleton's in the Closet Exposed
by: Anonymous

The Rhind Papyrus original was written during Amenemhet III reign 1685-1640 B.C. at Itj-Tawy.

The copy was written at Avaris during Hyksos Canaanite king Apepi I 1660-1619 B.C. In his 33rd year, 1627 B.C., the Hyksos chieftain became king one year after queen Sobekneferu 1631-1628 B.C. had died. (Joseph died in 1631 B.C.)

Ahmose 1628-1603 B.C. was a mere boy 10 years old when his brother died, and was only the 'Prince of the South' according to the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus. Ahmose becomes king after defeating Hyksos king Apepi II or Khamudi in 1608 B.C.

Ahmose army defeated the Nubians, and then an anti-Egyptian general Tetian goes to war against Ahmose. Nubians led by Aata then revolt. Hyksos from the north then attack Ahmose forces.

Ahmose promises Egyptians land if they fight in his army. Joseph had bought (Genesis 47:20) all the land for the pharaoh (Senusret III) and some descendents of those who sold their land decided to fight in Ahmose army.

Ahmose first defeats the Nubians, and his army then bypasses Memphis defeating the Hyksos at Heliopis (Biblical On Genesis 41:44-45) and Avaris driving them out of Egypt.

Ahmose destroyed all records of Joseph reigning as an Hebrew governor of Egypt so Thutmose I later arises to power knowing not Joseph. (Exodus 1:8)

The 12th dynasty chronology is proven by Genesis 47:13-17 that there were Canaanite Hyksos in Egypt at Avaris, while an Egyptian king reigned over the rest of the nation (Genesis 41:42-43), while Joseph as governor kept the peace between Egyptians and Canaanites.

The 18th dynasty comes shortly after driving the Hyksos Canaanites out of Egypt in the first Exodus.

Mar 21, 2012
Abraham to the Exodus part 4
by: Lujack Skylark

1628-1603 B.C.
Ahmose is just 10 years old when
he lost his father then his brother Kamose in war against the Hyksos/Canaanites. The war started by a hippo's roar waking up the Hyksos chieftain Apepi I from Thebes, 500 miles from Avaris, from a children's story .Ahmose father Seqenenre Tao had died.

This was an Egyptian cover up story since Ahmose won victory over Hyksos/Canaanite king Apepi II or Khamudi in 1608 B.C. Ahmose destroyed all records of Joseph and the Hyksos people's real history in Egypt. We know these Canaanites came into Egypt during Joseph's reign as recorded in Genesis 47:13-17, while Joseph served the Egyptian king (Genesis 41:41) Senusret III.

1603-1582 B.C.
Amenhotep I reign and the Minoans remain in Egypt's delta. Ahmose had driven the Hyksos out of Egypt.(mixed crowd Exodus 12:38)

Egyptian historians reveal 87 years of reign in the Thutmose I-III dynasty. 54 years. 22 Queen Hatshepsut reigns with Thutmose III; and 32 years Thutmose III reigns solo.

Thutmose I and Thutmose II's reigns must equal 33 years. It seems to make more sense if Thutmose I, Thutmose II and queen Hatshepsut's reigns were 54 years and Thutmose III reigned solo 33 years. Why?

1582-1528 B.C.
Thutmose I was the Hebrew male baby killer Hatshepsut's father. (Exodus 1:15-16) Thutmose I would have to die (Exodus 2:23) after Moses fled Egypt. We know princess Hatshepsut found infant Moses.(Exodus 2:5-10)

Moses was born in 1575 B.C. since he was 80 years old in the Exodus in 1495 B.C. Queen Hatshepsut kept the sickly Thutmose II from power. Queen Hatshepsut probably saved Moses life a second time when he fled Egypt in 1535 B.C. Imagine Moses growing up in an Egyptian household where his stepfather Thutmose I hated the Hebrew people. Queen Hatshepsut worshipped the cow goddess Hathor, and the Hebrews later, after the Exodus at Mt. Sinai, worshipped the golden calf.

1528-1495 B.C. reign means Thutmose III born in 1550 B.C. might have been Moses stepbrother. Could this be the reason Thutmose III destroyed all of Hatshepsut's artifacts so late in his reign, because she saved the infant Moses' life?

Thutmose III matches being the Exodus king at 1495 B.C. since Solomon's 4th year mentioned in Bible chronology in these comments scrolling downward shows the reign 1019-979 B.C.

The 4th year is 1015 B.C., some 480 years after the Exodus. (1 Kings 6:1) Thutmose III did not die in 1434 B.C.

Egyptian chronology chart in post your comments scroll downward also shows why Thutmose III is Exodus king. From the beginning of Amenhotep II reign to Shishak entering Egypt are some 521 years. (1 Kings 14:25) Shishak died a few months after attacking Jerusalem in 974 B.C.

The pharaoh before Amenhotep II is pharaoh Thutmose III, the Exodus pharaoh when we add the reign of Egyptian kings together.

Mar 21, 2012
Abraham to the Exodus part 3
by: Lujack Skylark

Was there a worldwide famine (Genesis 41:57) in 1704-1697 B.C.? (Genesis 41:54)

Amorite/Babylonian king Abi-Eshuh 1710-1684 B.C. dammed up the Tigris river trying to starve out the Sealanders. Chinese were confronted by what they say were red haired devils to their north and brown skinned devils to their south, searching for food.(Chinese archaelogist however found red haired mummies in western China) Indo-European Aryans invaded India in search for food, and some Minoans settled at Avaris during the global famine.

Hyksos chieftain Sheshi 1702-1699 B.C. settled his people at Avaris. Hyksos chieftain Yakubher name = Yakov/Yakub/Jacob 1699-1690 B.C. reigned peacefully at Avaris. Hyksos chieftain Khyan 1690-1660 B.C. even had trade with Babylon and Crete.

Egyptian king Amenemhet III 1685-1640 B.C. completed Bahr Yusef (Joseph's canal) opening more land for Egyptian cultivation bringing additional prosperity to Egypt. Babylonian slaves were bought in Amorite/Babylonian king Ammi-ditanna's reign 1683-1647 B.C. and completed Joseph's canal.

Egyptian king Amenemhet IV 1640-1631 B.C. reign was peaceful until Joseph died in 1631 B.C.
Hyksos chieftain Apepi I 1660-1619 B.C. had reigned peacefully at Avaris while Joseph was alive.

Joseph died and some Egyptians, angry that Joseph had bought all the land for Senusret III (Genesis 47:20) from their ancestors, revolted and Amenemhet IV dies. The Execration Text bowls were created by some Egyptians cursing foreigners as early as Senusret III's reign.

Egyptian queen Sobekneferu 1631-1628 B.C. and Thebean proclaimed king Kamose 1631-1628 B.C. go to war. Hyksos chieftain Apepi I had slain Kamose father Seqenenre Tao. Hyksos chieftain Apepi I is now king at Avaris after his army wins victory against Kamose, after queen Sobekneferu dies.

Mar 21, 2012
Abraham to the Exodus part 2
by: Lujack Skylark

Isaac lived 1892-1712 B.C. (Genesis 35:28) Jacob and Esau were born 1832 B.C. (Genesis 25:26)

Senusret I 1813-1777 B.C.
He was called "Throat Slitter of Asiatics". This is the reason God told Isaac (Genesis 26:2) not to enter Egypt. Senusret I has good trade relations with Nubia.

Amenemhet II 1777-1743 B.C.
He receives the Tod treasure from the Minoans in 1749 B.C. - his 28th year.

Senusret II 1743-1724 B.C.
Minoans build Senusret II his temple at Lahun.

Joseph lived 1741-1631 B.C. (Genesis 50:26) Joseph was born in 1741 B.C. as Canaanites begin to trickle into Egypt.

Senusret III 1724-1685 B.C.
Joseph, age 17 (Genesis 37:2-36), entered Egypt in 1724 B.C. Senusret II had died. Potiphar the officer of the new pharaoh and captain of the guard chose Joseph as overseer of his house. (Genesis 39:4) The master of the house wife tried seducing Joseph. Joseph was thrown into jail on phony rape charges.

Peaceful Canaanite Hyksos brought their horses into Egypt. Joseph solved the pharaoh Senusret III's dream and Joseph, cleared of the phony rape charges, becomes the second most powerful man in Egypt. (Genesis 41:1-57) Joseph even rode the second chariot. (A horse skeleton was found at Buhen Nubia dated to Senusret III's reign) Jacob, age 130, arrives in Egypt in 1702 B.C. (Genesis 47:9) when a larger group of Canaanite Hyksos came into Egypt at the time of the global famine (Genesis 41:57). He settled at Avaris. They traded their horses for bread. (Genesis 47:13-17)

Jacob lived in Egypt for 17 years. Jacob died at age 147 in 1685 B.C. (Genesis 47:28) Senusret III died a few months later.

Mar 20, 2012
Abraham to the Exodus Chronology, part I
by: Lujack Skylark

Abraham was born in 1992 B.C. and the Exodus was in 1495 B.C. when Moses was 80 years old.

Abraham was born in UR during Shulgi/Dungi's reign. Shulgi reigned 2007-1960 B.C. Abraham left UR during UR king's Ibi-Sin reign 1942-1917 B.C. Abraham left UR in 1925 B.C. for Haran when his older brother Haran had died, some 430 years before the Exodus. (Exodus 1495 B.C.)

The year 1925 B.C. Elamite king Kindattu/
Chedorlaomer began receiving tribute from the Amorites in Canaan for 12 years. 1925-1913 B.C. (Genesis 14:4) The year 1925 B.C. the Amorites at Byblos burn down Egyptian king Sneferu's temple built 2224-2200 B.C. in Pepi II's reign 2007-1913 B.C. Abraham visited Egypt 1917 B.C. the year Kindattu destroyed UR. Abraham lived in Egypt for one year 1916 B.C. having lived in Canaan for 10 years, and Ishmael is born when Abraham is 86 years old. (Genesis 16:3 & Genesis 16:16) Pepi II was plagued (Genesis 12:17) when Abraham was in Egypt.

1913-1862 B.C. Mentuhotep I faces a dry spell in Egypt has 12 wells dug along the Egyptian Nubian trade route. Hagar also is in search for a well. (Genesis 21:19) Abraham had a dispute over a well during this Middle-East dry spell. (Genesis 21:25)

1862-1850 B.C. Mentuhotep II reopens trade route to Punt.

1850-1843 B.C. Mentuhotep III is an usurper.

1843-1813 B.C. Amenemhet I built the "Walls of the Ruler" to keep foreigners out of Egypt. Abraham dies in 1817 B.C. (Genesis 25:17)

Mar 20, 2012
The Egyptian Trade Links for 330 Years Completed
by: James

2109-2097 B.C. Egyptian king Sahure son of Userkaf has trade with Asia-Minor, Troy II and Punt where he receives silver and mixes gold to produce electrum. Sahure is named after the Sahara. Brother Neferirkare 2109-2099 B.C. reigns with him as bas relief shows starving desert people enterning Egypt.

2097-2068 B.C. General Unas has trade with the Temple of Barbar in the Persian Gulf region. Unas bas relief in his causeway also shows starving desert people entering Egypt. Unas defeats Egypt's enemies attacking Egypt from the north, south, east & west giving victory to his god Atum

2068-2056 B.C. Teti Unas son-in-law builds Temple to the Holy Stars. Teti has trade with Lagash governor Gudea 2063-2042 B.C. who also builds a Temple to the Holy Stars.

2056-2007 B.C. Pepi I son of Teti has trade with Central Africa and recruits 50,000 Cushite warriors to fight the Amorites. There are 5 Biblical Cushite tribes in Africa. One tribe in Saudi Arabia, and one tribe, the Dedan-Dravidans, in India. Djedkare 2046-2007 B.C. brings pygmies into Egypt.

2007-1913 B.C. Pepi II son of Pepi I has trade with Central Africa, Sodom & Gomorrah and UR III. Pepi II imports pygmies into Egypt. Pepi II is quite wealthy and corrupt. Abraham stays in Egypt 1917-1916 B.C. Abraham lives in Canaan for 10 years and Ishmael is born in 1906 B.C., when Abraham is 86 years old (Genesis 16:3 & 16:16)
Abraham left Egypt quite wealthy. (Genesis 13:1-2)

Here are those 330 years with no gaps in history.

Mar 20, 2012
Where the 330th year Chronology is Supported by Trade.
by: James

Where the Egyptian 330th year Chronology is supported by trade 2243-1913 B.C.

2243-2224 B.C. Zoser Mizraim (Genesis 10:6) Egyptian border was to Gaza,(Genesis 10:19) also the Canaanite border. Egyptians in the Sinai mined copper. Copper tools were used to build Egypt's Step Pyramid. Zoser's priest Imhotep worships Path-ru-sim (Genesis 10:14) the deified Ptah.

2224-2200 B.C. Snef-ru son of Path-ru-sim builds a temple at Byblos. Egyptian shipbuilders built 40 Egyptian ships at Byblos.

2200-2177 B.C. Khufu son of Sneferu builds the first pyramid at Giza. Cushite Nubians bring him gold and panther skins. Greek basket weavers also meet with him.

2177-2170 B.C. Redejef has trade with the Persian
Gulf nation of Dilmun. The Sphinx design was considered in Redejef's reign. Lagash governor Ur-Nanshe 2183-2158 B.C. also had trade with Dilmun.

Ur-Nanshe was given an onyx lion toy which onyx was manufactured in Egypt. Redejef son of Khufu.

2170-2146 B.C.Khafre second son of Khufu builds second pyramid at Giza along with the Sphinx. Khafre's laborers drink Ebla, Syrian beer.

2146-2120 B.C.Menkaure son of Khafre builds third pyramid at Giza. Mainland Greeks bring him marble and Menkaure builds his pyramid in red granite.
Elamite king Lugalkiginnedudu 2138-2123 B.C. has trade with Menkaure and dedicates some red granite to his personal god Enlil.

2120-2116 B.C. Shepsekaf son of Menkaure completes the third pyramid at Giza. Akkadian king Naramsin 2163-2123 B.C. had warred with Menkaure (Manium)and Naramsin won victory and demanded cut blocks of red granite as tribute delaying Menkaure's pyramid completion. Shepsekaf is assassinated by Egypt's priesthood.

Shepsekaf's reign Egypt had trade with Troy II & Egyptians began cooking food on mental braziers.

2116-2109 B.C. Userkaf Menkaure's son-in-law builds Egypt's first sun temples in Egypt. On the Greek island of Cythera one of Userkaf's temple cups was found.

Mar 20, 2012
The 326 Years Chronology
by: Anonymous

The 326 year chronology as mentioned earlier but not nailed down 2243-1917 B.C.

(1)Sargon/Nimrod's empire 2243-2187 B.C.

(2)Sargon/Nimrod's empire extended to the Nile river. Egyptian king Snef-ru son of Path-ru-sim (Genesis 10:14) reigned 2224-2200 B.C.

(3)Sargon's son Rim-ush 2187-2178 B.C. grandson of C-ush (Genesis 10:6) fought a man called Abalga-MASH likely son of MASH. (Genesis 10:23 KJV)

(4)Elamite king Helu 2183-2152 B.C. likely Hul (Genesis 10:23) reigned peacefully over Elam.

(5)Sargon's grandson Naramsin 2163-2123 B.C goes to war against Egyptian king Manium 2146-2120 B.C. who is called Menkaure in Egyptian.

(6)Naramsin's son Sharkalisharri 2123-2098 B.C. was a Gutium puppet. A 3 year civil war occurs 2098-2095 B.C. and Elulu becomes the winner and Elulu reigns over Ur 2093-2068 B.C.

(7)Chedorlaomer/Kindatta destroys UR in 1917 B.C. the 326th year. Chedorlaomer is slain by Abraham in (Genesis 14:17) in 1911 B.C.

(8)Kindattu's nephew is called Indattu I nicknamed "Son of Pepi" two years after Pepi II in Egypt who had died in 1913 B.C.

Mar 19, 2012
Elulu Nails the Chronology Down
by: Anonymous

Akkadian Kings List

2243-2187 B.C. Sargon/Nimrod
2187-2178 B.C. Rimush
2178-2163 B.C. Manishtushu
2163-2123 B.C. Naramsin not 56 year but 40 year reign.

2123 B.C. The Gutium bring down Naramsin's government.

2123-2098 B.C. Sharkalisharri is a Gutium puppet.
2098-2095 B.C. Igigi, Nanum, Imi and ELULU fight for control of Akkad for 3 years.
(The 3 years mentioned is in the book The Sumerians by Samuel Noah Kramer 1971 edition p. 330)

2093-2068 B.C. Gutium ELULU TWO years later is king of UR which is in ruins until UR-Nammu rebuilds UR 2025-2007 B.C. (ELULU p. 329)ELULU is the same person. Many Sumer historians overlook this fact.

Electrum & Silver Chronology

Meskalamdud & Akalamdug's 2127-2093 B.C. reigned over UR. Akalamdug's electrum sword was discovered in the Royal Tombs at UR.

Egyptian king Sahure 2009-2097 B.C. received silver ignots from Punt and mixed silver with gold producing electrum.

Troy II's women were using electrum hair pins.

Lagash governor Urukagina 2101-2093 B.C. silver for payment of services was highly demanded.

Akkadian king Sharkalisharri 2123-2098 B.C. Akkadians living in fear of the Gutium demanded silver as payment for services.

Mar 18, 2012
Erech Chronology
by: David

Erech is in the eight cities reported in our Bible which Nimrod/Sargon built.(Genesis 10:10-11)

2243-2218 B.C. Lugalzaggesi reigns over Erech. Lugalzaggesi rebels and Nimrod/Sargon crushes the revolt. Erech is destroyed.

2218-2198 B.C. People from Erech help build UR then return to rebuild Erech.

2198-2138 B.C. Enshakushanna/Enukduanna defeats Lagash's governor Eannatum warriors.

2138-2123 B.C. Erech's king Lugalkiginnedudu is friends with Lagash governor Entemena. Lugalkigin-nedudu secures red granite from Egyptian king Menkaure 2146-2120 to dedicate to his god Enlil.

2123-2093 B.C. 5 Erech kings under Gutium domination.

2123-2116 B.C. Ur-nigin
2116-2110 B.C. Ur-gigir
2110-2104 B.C. Kudda
2104-2099 B.C. Puzur-ili
2099-2093 B.C. Ur-Utu

2093-2032 B.C. The Gutium solo reign at Erech.
2032-2025 B.C. Erech's king Utu-Khegal defeats the Gutium.
2025-1917 B.C. Erech ruled by UR III's dynasty.

Ancient history appears to match Bible chronology. It seems like all the gaps in time have been filled.

Mar 18, 2012
Lagash Chronology
by: Dave

Lagash Governors List

The people of Lagash began their culture after humanity fled the Tower of Babel. Sargon/Nimrod attacked an unknown Lagash governor who was most likely Enhegal.

2243-2123 B.C. Enhegal loses war with Sargon.
2123-2183 B.C. Lugalshagengur loses war against Rimush.
2183-2158 B.C. Ur-Nanshe receives lion onyx toy from trade with Dilmun. Toy was made in Egypt during Egyptian king Khafre's reign 2170-2146 B.C. when Egyptians were building the Sphinx. Ur-Nanshe receives independence from Ur's king Annapadda.
2158-2153 B.C. Akurgal reigns.
2153-2128 B.C. Eannatum won victory over Elam,Erech and UR.
2128-2125 B.C. Enannatum I friends with Erech's king Lugalkiginnedudu.
2125-2114 B.C. Entemena reigns.
2114-2111 B.C. Enannatum II
2111-2106 B.C. Enetarzi
2106-2099 B.C. Lugalanda wicked ruler.
2099-2093 B.C. Urukagina passes reforms. Lugalzaggesi did not destroy Lagash. Its the Gutium who take over.

Silver is used as payment for goods and services extensively in Urukagina's reign. Akkad Gutium puppet king Sharkalishari 2123-2098 B.C. also used silver extensively as did Egyptian king Sahure 2111-2097 B.C.

2093-2063 B.C. UR-Bau a Gutium puppet.
2063-2042 B.C. Gudea Ur-Bau's son-in-law.
2042-2032 B.C. UR-Ningirsu & Ugme reign over Lagash.
2032-2025 B.C. Utu-Khegal takes over Sumer.
2025-1917 B.C. Abraham UR's dynasty.

Mar 18, 2012
UR Chronology
by: Anonymous

Archaeologist Leonard Woolley in his book Excavations of Ur 1954 edition p.15 stated he found Enhedunna's moon priestess temple cup at Ur. She lived around 2350 B.C. according to modern archaeologist but Annapadda the moon priest of Ur is her husband is listed to have reigned around 2500 B.C. according to Sumerian historians.

Following the 326 years from humanity leaving the Tower of Babel to Abraham's UR being destroyed UR's history appears this way.

2243-2163 B.C. Mesannapadda and Annapadda reign over UR. Moon priest Annapadda marries moon priestess Enheduanna Sargon/Nimrod's daughter.

2163-2127 B.C. Meskiagnannar reigns over UR.
2127-2093 B.C. Meskalamdug and Akalamdug graves discovered at the Royal Tombs of UR. UR was quite prosperous before the Gutium take over of UR.

2093-2068 B.C. Gutium Elulu reigns over UR.
2068-2032 B.C. Gutium Balulu reigns over UR.
2032-2025 B.C. Erech's king Utu-Khegal appoints Ur-Nammu to reign over UR as governor.

2025-2007 B.C. UR-Nammu reigns over UR.
2007-1960 B.C. Shulgi-Dungi reigns over UR.
1960-1950 B.C. Bur-Sin reigns over UR.
1950-1942 B.C. Gimili-Sin reigns over UR.
1942-1917 B.C. Ibi-Sin reigns over UR.

Elamites destroy UR in 1917 B.C. Terah Abraham's father dies in 1917 B.C.

Mar 18, 2012
Elamite Chronology
by: Lujack Skylark

Elam, HUL and MASH left the Tower of Babel in 2243 B.C.(Genesis 10:22-23 KJB) Elam's king Luh-ishshan went to war against Sargon/Nimrod and lost.

Luh-ishshan..2243-2196 B.C. loses war with Sargon.
Hishep-ratep.2196-2183 B.C. he and Abalga-MASH forces at Warahshi are decimated by Rimush.
Helu..HUL?...2183-2152 B.C. rejoice upon hearing
Rimush was assassinated by Manishtusu.
Hita.........2152-2118 B.C. signed a military alliance with Naramsin when Naramsin kidnapped his family. Jiroft artifacts appear in Egypt.

Akkadian kings reigned:

Sargon/Nimrod 2243-2187 B.C.
Rimush....... 2187-2178 B.C.
Manishtusu... 2178-2163 B.C.
Naramsin..... 2163-2123 B.C.

Elam's king Kutik-Inshushinak 2118-2093 B.C. brought the Elamites independence briefly.
Elamites are Gutium slaves... 2093-2032 B.C.
Erech king Utu-Khegal reigns. 2032-2025 B.C.

UR-Nammu 2025-2007 B.C. Elamites demand their own independence. First king of UR III's dynasty.
Ur king Shulgi 2007-1960 B.C. fights wars against Elam then creates Elamite foreign legion.
Ur king Bur-Sin 1960-1952 B.C. Elamite legion does a good job defending UR's borders.
Ur king Gimil-Sin 1952-1941 B.C. daughter marries an Elamite prince.
Ur king Ibi-Sin 1941-1917 B.C. Ur is destroyed by Elamite king Kindattu/Chedorlaomer in 1917 B.C. Abraham slays Chedorlaomer in (Genesis 14:17) in Canaan in 1911 B.C.

Elamite king Indattu-Inshushinak I 1911-1898 B.C.
nicknamed "Son of Pepi" came to power in Elam only TWO years after Egyptian king Pepi II had died. Pepi II reigned over Egypt 2007-1913 B.C.

Seems there are interesting correlations linking Hul, Mash and Pepi II together in ancient history.

Mar 17, 2012
Where Real Egyptian Chronology matches Bible Chronology
by: Lujack Skylark

There were only 326 years from Sargon/Nimrod beginning reign to Ur III's destruction. There were only 326 years from Peleg's birth to Terah's death as mentioned earlier. How could actual Egyptian history match our Bible?

2243-2224 B.C. King Zoser built the Step Pyramid shortly after the Egyptians left Sumer for Egypt.
2224-2200 B.C. Sneferu built three pyramids.
2200-2177 B.C. Khufu builds Great Pyramid.
2177-2170 B.C. Redejef Khufu's first born son.
2170-2146 B.C. Khafre builds 2nd Giza pyramid.
2146-2120 B.C. Menkaure (Manium in Sumer language)wars with Naramsin 2163-2123 B.C. Builds but does not complete 3rd pyramid at Giza.
2120-2116 B.C. Shepseskaf completes 3rd pyramid.
2116-2109 B.C. General Userkaf reigns.

2109-2097 B.C. Sahure reigns with brother.
2097-2068 B.C. Unas...reigns.
2068-2056 B.C. Teti...reigns.
2056-2007 B.C. Pepi I.reigns.
2007-1913 B.C. Pepi II reigns. Imports pygmies into Egypt. Pepi II died 330 years after humaity left the Tower of Babel to build nations.

2109-2099 B.C. Neferirkare Sahure's brother.
2099-2092 B.C. Shepseskare reigns.
2092-2085 B.C. Neferefre reigns.
2085-2054 B.C. Niuserre reigns.
2054-2046 B.C. Menkauhor reigns.
2046-2007 B.C. Djedkare reigns. Imports pygmies into Egypt.

Abraham visited Egypt 1917-1916 B.C. since he was in Canaan for 10 years (Genesis 16:3)before Ishmael was born when he was 86 years old (Genesis 16:16) having been born in 1992 B.C. leaving Haran in 1917 B.C. age 75. (Genesis 12:4)Egypt was plagued (Genesis 12:17)just like the Bible stated since Pepi II's government in Memphis fell a few years after Pepi II had died.

Note both Pepi II's daughter Nitocris and Sarah were fair to look upon. (Genesis 12:11)Egyptians liked fair women.

Mar 17, 2012
Sumer and Biblical Chronology Match
by: Lujack Skylark

There are 326 years from the beginning of Sargon/ Nimrod's reign to Abraham's Ur destruction. There are 326 years from Pelegs birth to Abraham father Terah's death.

Accad/Akkad/Agade Genesis 10:9-10 city where Sargon/Nimrod reigned over his vast empire..

Sargon/Nimrod...2243-2187 B.C.
Rimush..........2187-2178 B.C.
Manishtushu.....2178-2163 B.C.
Naramsin........2163-2123 B.C. Sumerian poem states the Gutium brought down Naramsin's reign.

Archaeologist Sir Leonard Woolley stated the Gutium reign over Sumer 91 years, Utu-hegal of the Genesis 10:10 city of Erech reigned 7 years and Ur III dynasty existed 108 years.

Gutium......... 2123-2032 B.C
Utu-Khegal..... 2032-2025 B.C.
Ur III dynasty. 2025-1917 B.C.

Sumer and Biblical chronology match.

Peleg born..... 2243 B.C. (Genesis 11:16)
Reu born....... 2213 B.C. (Genesis 11:18)
Serug born..... 2181 B.C. (Genesis 11:20)
Nahor born..... 2151 B.C. (Genesis 11:22)
Terah born..... 2122 B.C. (Genesis 11:24)
Terah lived.... 2122-1917 B.C. (Genesis 11:32)
Abraham born... 1992 B.C. (Genesis 11:32-12:4)
Abrahan was born in the prosperous UR III dynasty.

Mar 17, 2012
Biblical Chronology
by: Anonymous

Peleg was born 2243 B.C. (Genesis 11:16)
Reu born...... 2213 B.C. (Genesis 11:18)
Serug born.... 2181 B.C. (Genesis 11:20)
Nahor born.... 2151 B.C. (Genesis 11:22)
Terah born.... 2122 B.C. (Genesis 11:24)
Haran born.... 2052 B.C. (Genesis 11:26)

Abraham is listed only first in importance, not birth order.

Abraham was born when Terah is 130 years old, since Abraham leaves Terah at age 75 upon Terah's death. (Genesis 11:32 & Genesis 12:4)

Abraham born.. 1992 B.C.
Sarah born.... 1982 B.C. (Genesis 17:17)
Haran dies.... 1925 B.C. age 127 some 430 years before the Exodus (1495 B.C.)
Sarah dies.... 1855 B.C. age 127 (Genesis 23:1-2) some 400 before Joshua destroyed Jericho.

Isaac born.... 1892 B.C. (Genesis 17:17)
Jacob born.... 1832 B.C. (Genesis 25:26)

Jacob entered Egypt at age 130 in 1702 B.C. (Genesis 47:9) during the second year of famine.
Joseph age 30 became Egyptian governor. (Genesis 41:40-45) Then there is 7 years of plenty (Genesis 41:24) plus 2 famine years, 30 + 7 + 2 = Joseph was 39 years old when Jacob entered Egypt.

Joseph born... 1741 B.C. lives 1741-1631 B.C.
Moses born.... 1575 B.C. Moses is 80 years old at the time of the Exodus in 1495 B.C.

List zeroes in on Biblical chronology starting with Peleg's birth when mankind leaves the Tower of Babel until the Hebrews leave in the Exodus.

Mar 17, 2012
Review of Iron Chronology
by: David

Smelted iron objects appear in Mesopatamia, Anatolia, and Egypt about 1500 B.C. Why not complete the iron list?

(1)Joshua dealt with iron chariots.(Joshua 17:18) Joshua's time in Canaan was 1455-1423 B.C.

(2)Egyptian king Tutankhamen 1406-1396 B.C. was buried with an iron dagger with a golden hilt.

(3)Jabin the Amorite Canaanite 1298-1278 B.C. with 900 iron chariots invaded Israel.(Judges 4:2-3)

(4)Egyptian king Merneptah I 1280-1268 B.C. battle axe with iron blade was found at Ugarit.

Archaeologist do not say much about the iron chariots. Were these chariots outer iron rimmed wheeled only? Did these iron chariots merely turn into rust/dust?

The Hittites knew how to manufacture iron, yet the Hittite chariots were light weight. Chariots made of solid iron were likely heavy weight, so maybe the iron chariot was actually rimmed wheeled only.

Does anyone know what parts were iron on the iron chariot?

Mar 16, 2012
Iron Chronology
by: Lujack Skylark

Hittites began manufacturing Iron around 1500 B.C.
Joshua lived 1533-1423 B.C. Joshua destroyed Jericho in 1455 B.C. Joshua spoke about iron chariots. (Joshua 17:18)

The Israelites would not move from the mountains into the valley because their enemy had iron chariots. (Judges 1:19)

Some archaeologist dispute an early Exodus date stating the Iron Age started around 1200 B.C. so they proclaim the iron spoke about in the books of Joshua and Judges leads them to believe a late Exodus date or no Exodus at all.

Let us review the New Egyptian Chronology list further down in these chronology comments. Egyptian king Tut reigns 1406-1396 B.C.

There in Tut's tomb was discovered an iron dagger with a gold hilt. Maybe there is more iron discoveries waiting to be found.

Amenhotep III's 1462-1424 B.C. tomb had been robbed. Perhaps that tomb might have contained more iron artifacts.

Still seems like the Bible is historically accurate.

Mar 16, 2012
House Of Thutmose I - Thutmose III Chronology
by: Anonymous

Solomon's 4th year 969 B.C. + 480 = 1449 B.C.

Old Chronology (1 Kings 6:1)was a 46 year difference from the New Proven Biblical Chronology, showing 1495 B.C. to be the Exodus year.

This means Egyptian king Ahmose Old Chronology reign beginning at 1582 B.C., some 7 years before.
H.W.F. Saggs, in the book The Babylonians, recorded Ahmose reigning in 1575 B.C.
The 1582 B.C. date means 1582 + 46 = 1628 B.C. Ahmose first year of reign.

Ahmose 1628-1603 B.C.
Amenhotep I 1603-1582 B.C.
House of Thutmose I-III 1582-1495 B.C.
Thutmose III being the Exodus pharaoh.

Egyptians historians state Queen Hatshepsut was co-regent with Thutmose III for 22 years, then 32 years Thutmose III reigned solo.
22 + 32 = 54 years total.
87 - 54 = 33 years for Thutmose I and Thutmose II. This does not match the Biblical account.

Thutmose I 1582-1528 B.C. was the Hebrew male baby slayer (Exodus 1:15-16) reigning with Queen Hatshepsut 1550-1528 B.C.; and Thutmose III solo 33 years from 1528-1495 B.C. makes sense. Why?

Queen Hatshepsut's conflict is with her father, Thutmose I, and brother Thutmose II.
Moses flees Egypt in 1535 B.C. at age 40.

Hatshepsut saved Moses life as an infant. Hatshepsut may have helped save Moses in his flight from Thutmose I. Thutmose I would still be alive when Moses fled Egypt (Exodus 2:23) and the sickly Thutmose II would have died, thus Hatshepsut held power over Thutmose II during his entire life.
Thutmose III would still reign solo for 32-33 years.

This indicates Moses was in Egypt at the time Thutmose III was born. They might have been raised like brothers. Imagine when Moses returns to Egypt at age 80, and sees Thutmose III who has hardened his heart against Moses and Moses' God.

It seems like the 87 years from the beginning of Thutmose I reign to the end of Thutmose III's reign might have happened in the way the Bible reflects on Moses's life.

Mar 16, 2012
Mitanni Chronology & the Sun Standing Still
by: Anonymous

Mitanni king Shuttarna 1455-1440 B.C. seal was two lions fighting alongside a winged sun. Shuttarna was a comtemporary of Joshua, who had destroyed Jericho in 1455 B.C.

Caleb was 40 years old when Moses lead the Hebrews in the Exodus; and Caleb was 45 years old in the wilderness when the Lord spoke to Moses. Caleb was 85 years old (Joshua 14:10) after the five Amorite kings had been defeated; when Joshua won victory over them due to the sun standing still in the sky (Joshua 10:12-17) for almost 24 hours.

Caleb lived from 1535-1450 B.C.
The Exodus 1495 B.C.
Moses 10 commandments 1490 B.C.
Joshua destroyed Jericho 1455 B.C.
The 5 Amorite king's war is in 1450 B.C. when the sun stood still.

The sun standing still must have occurred early in Amenhotep III's reign 1462-1424 B.C. The Tel Amarna letters from other Canaanite kings about the Hebrew invasion may have taken place shortly afterwards.

Sun artifact seals from ancient kingdoms continue to reflect there was something strange with the sun in Joshua's time, verifying this Biblical event.

Mar 15, 2012
Assyrian Kings Erib-Adad & Ashur-Uballit
by: Thomas

Both Amenhotep III 1462-1424 B.C. and Akenaton 1424-1407 B.C. worshiped the SUN and had connections with Assyrian kings Erib-Adad 1441-1414 B.C. and Ashur-Uballit 1413-1376 B.C.

The impact of the SUN remaining in the sky for almost 24 hours (Joshua 10:12-14) had an effect on the Assyrians, too.

Assyrian king Erib-Adad's 1441-1414 B.C. seal impression was a pair of lion griffins holding a large SUN disk.

Assyrian king Ashur-Uballit 1413-1376 B.C. became irate when Egyptian king Akenaton let his messengers wait out in the mid-day SUN for hours before speaking with them. Ashur-Uballit said if Akenaton liked the SUN so much, Akenaton should roast out in the SUN until he died.

It appears Joshua's great day, where the SUN stood still, had an effect on the Assyrians, Canaanites, Egyptians and the mayor of Tyre.

One wonders if the SUN standing still had an effect on other cultures in our world.

Mar 15, 2012
Abimilku, Mayor of Tyre & the Sun Connection
by: Daniel

Abimilku was mayor of Tyre during the entire time the Tel Amarna letters were being written. The Tel Amarna letters revealed the Haribu (Hebrew) invasion of Canaan. The Hebrews invaded Canaan in 1455 B.C.

Abimilku expressed his lord is like the SUN in the sky. Egyptian king Amenhotep III 1462-1424 B.C. had gotten the Egyptians to embrace SUN worship, saying he had the power over the SUN, while it was Joshua's GOD who held the SUN in the sky for almost 24 hours. (Joshua 10:12-14)

Abimilku had written Egyptian king Akenaton 1424-1407 B.C. the letter saying his lord is like the SUN in the sky when Akenaton declared the solar SUN god to be the only state religion worship for Egypt, as Akenaton declared monotheism SUN worship embracing the SUN as his own personal god.

Joshua's victory over the Amorites, having the SUN stand still for almost 24 hours, had Egyptians and the mayor of Tyre claiming the SUN god as their god.

Meanwhile, Joshua knew the sun was merely an object of GOD's creation.

Mar 15, 2012
How Babylon's Chronology Matches Israel & Egyptian Chronology
by: Anonymous

The Exodus was in 1495 B.C.
Joshua destroys Jericho in 1455 B.C.

Kassite/Babylonian king Kurigalzu I 1448-1439 B.C.
receives letters from Canaanite kings stating the Haribu (Hebrews)are disrupting the Canaanite Babylonian trade route. Kurigalzu I's daughter married Egyptian king Amenhotep III 1462-1424 B.C., who also married the daughter of Mitanni king Shuttarna I 1455-1445 B.C.

Amenhotep III had received the Tel Amarna letters from Canaanite kings stating the Haribu (Hebrews) had invaded Canaan.

Kassite/Babylonian king Kadashman-Enlil II 1438-1429 B.C. sister also marries Egyptian king Amenhotep III 1462-1424 B.C. Amenhotep III so impressed with Kadashman-Enlil sister he marries the daughter as well.

Kassite/Babylonian king Burnaburiash 1428-1399 B.C. pays Egyptian king Akenaton 1424-1407 B.C. tribute. The Babylonians really wanted to trade Babylonian goods for Egyptian gold, yet Akenaton, like his father Amenhotep III, does not trade Babylonians with gold.

Babylon is so far from Israel there are no direct threats. The Aramaen Syrians had originated from Babylon. They posed a threat to king David, yet David defeated the Aramaen Syrian king Hadadezer of Zobah slaying 22,000. (2 Samuel 8:3-5)

David 1059-1019 B.C. victory against the Aramaens stopped the Aramaens from taking over the sickly Assyrian king Ashur-Nasir-Pal I's 1058-1040 B.C. nation. The Assyrian king could only protect his border to the Euphrates river. David's border went to the Euphrates river and no further. (2 Samuel 8:3) Thus the Aramaen threat was briefly gone.

Egyptian king Psusennes I 1099-1049 B.C. is rich, judged by the artifacts found in his tomb. The average Egyptian is poor. Some Egyptians sell themselves into slavery.

Egyptian king Osokhor 1049-1034 B.C. not as rich as Psusennes I.

Egyptian king Siamon 1034-1014 B.C. has good relations with king David. His daughter marries king Solomon, who reigned 1019-979 B.C.

Ancient history is easier to read once the Biblical and Egyptian chronologies are coordinated.

Mar 15, 2012
Assyrian chronology part 2
by: Lujack Skylark

Assyrian king Ashur-Nadin-Apali 1246-1229 B.C.
Assyrian king Ashur-Nirari III..1228-1221 B.C.
Assyrian king Enlil-Kudur-Usur..1220-1216 B.C.
Assyrian king Ninurta-Apal-Ekur.1215-1202 B.C.
Assyrian king Ashur-Dan I.......1201-1156 B.C.
Assyrian king Ashur-Reshi-Ishi..1155-1138 B.C.
Assyrian king Tiglath-Pilesar I.1137-1099 B.C.

King Tiglath-Pilesar marched his army westward reaching the Mediterranean Sea.

The Philistines oppress Israel 1139-1099 B.C.

Assyria was at the height of its power.

Note: 1099-979 B.C.King Saul, David and Solomon reigned over Israel; and the Assyrian nation was mainly at war with the Aramaens.

Saul 1099-1059 B.C.
David 1059-1019 B.C.
Solomon 1019-979 B.C.

Ashur-Apal-Ekur 1098-1096 B.C. wars against the Aramaens. Ashur-Bel-Kala 1095-1078 B.C daughter married an Aramaen chieftain. Prince Enlil-Rabi 1077-1071 B.C. seized power. Eriba-Adad 1070-1065 B.C. another Aramaen puppet. Shamshi-Adad 1064-1059 B.C. opens northern trade route.

Ashur-Nasir-Pal 1058-1040 B.C. too sickly. Aramaen Syrians however attack king David and David wins victory. Shalmanesar II 1039-1028 B.C. merchants are under constant Aramaen attacks. Ashur-Nirari IV 1027-1022 B.C. holds Aramaens at the Euphrates river. Ashur-Rabi II 1021-981 B.C. drives the Aramaens back from the Euphrates frontier. Takes an expedition north to Amanus.

The Lord protected Israel from the Aramaens and Assyrians since they were at constant war with each other.

Mar 15, 2012
Assyrian Chronology part 1
by: Lujack Skylark

Assyrian king Ashur-Uballit 1413-1376 B.C. gives Egyptian king Akenaton 1424-1407 B.C. tribute.
Babylonian king Burnaburiash 1428-1399 B.C. learns Tushratta had died in 1406 B.C. Tushratta controlled Assyria. Ashur-Uballit's son marries Burnaburiash's daughter sealing Assyria's independence.

Hittite king Suppiluliumas I 1428-1392 B.C. diverts his army from the Assyrian border, and he attacks Egyptian king Tut's army 1406-1396 B.C. to his southern flank.

Judge Othniel reigns over Israel 1418-1378 B.C.

Assyrian king Enlil Nirari II 1375-1364 B.C.
Assyrian king Arik-Dan-ill 1363-1350 B.C.
Assyrian king Adad-Nirari I 1349-1315 B.C.
Assyrian king Shalmanesar I 1314-1284 B.C.
Shalmanesar I brings down the Mitanni kingdom. Shalmanesar I wars against Hittite king Tudhaliyas III.

Jabin the Canaanite oppresses Israel 1298-1278 B.C. when Deborah and Barak are judges 1298-1258 B.C., defeating Jabin the Amorite Canaanite in their 20th year 1278 B.C.

Assyrian king Tukulti-Ninurta 1283-1247 B.C.
sends the children of the East (Syrians) fleeing to the Levant, Israel and Egypt. Egyptian king Merneptah I 1280-1268 B.C. stated the Syrians came to Egypt to feed their bellies.

Judge Gideon reigned 1258-1218 B.C. Gideon's 7th year 1251 B.C. he defeats the Syrians. (Judges 6:3)

To be continued...

Mar 14, 2012
David Rohl's Chronology
by: Lujack Skylark

David Rohl's chronology doesn't match up with Middle-East history. Egyptian queen Hatshepsut was not the queen of Sheba. They are two different people.

David Rohl makes no attempt to link up Assyrian, Babylonian, Biblical, Egyptian, Hittite and Mitanni true historical links.

The correct chronology is 586 B.C. - the Biblical destruction date of Solomon's temple. Run the reigns of the Judah kings - add backwards Zedekiah to Solomon if necessary or take my word, Solomon's reign is 1019-979 B.C. and go down from there.

The Exodus date would be 1495 B.C. and Solomon's 4th year is 1015 B.C., some 480 years after the Exodus. (1 Kings 6:1)

Start with Amenhotep II reign 24 years not 26 years-we go solo reign starting in 1495 B.C.
Amenhotep II 1495-1471 B.C. ending with Shishak (1 Kings 14:25), who dies in Rehoboam's 5th year 974 B.C. a few months after attacking Jerusalem.

Fill in the reign of Egyptian kings from Amenhotep II to Shishak.

Check where Assyrian, Babylonian, Hittite and Mitanni history interconnect along the Biblical and Egyptian timelines. Egypt's timeline falls in the 521 years from the Exodus to Rehoboam's 5th year, which means the beginning of Amenhotep II's reign until the end of Shishak's reign. Thutmose III being the Exodus pharaoh.

Check the posts scrolling farther down in these comments and the lists are there. Secular historians mock the Judeo/Christian Bible, yet as we witness, ancient history does match the Bible.

Mar 14, 2012
Mitanni Chronology part 2
by: John

Mitanni Assyrian vassal Shattura I 1357-1342 B.C. begins rule when Assyrian king Arik-Dan-ill reigns 1363-1350 B.C. at the time Hittite king Muwatallis 1363-1337 B.C. was fighting Egyptian king Seti I 1360-1347 B.C.

Mitanni Assyrian vassal Washashatta 1342-1314 B.C.
comes to reign when Assyrian king Adad-Nirari I 1349-1315 B.C. takes over all Mitanni lands to the Euphrates river.

Mitanni Assyrian vassal Shattura II 1314-1301 B.C.
revolts against Assyrian king Shalmanesar I 1314-1284 B.C.

Hittite king Hattusilas III 1330-1301 B.C. quickly concludes a peace treaty with Egyptian king Ramses II 1347-1280 B.C. in Ramses II 34th year 1313 B.C.

Mitanni lose their small vassal state to Assyrian king Shalmanesar I in 1301 B.C.

Hittite king Tudhaliyas III 1301-1274 B.C. quickly aligns himself with the Amorites living in Syria and the Levant to oppose Shalmanesar I. One Amorite Canaanite chieftain, Jabin, oppresses Israel 1298-1278 B.C.

We discover Mitanni king Tushratta 1445-1406 B.C.
was the first oppressor of Israel in the Book of Judges. (Cushan-Rishathaim Judges 3:8) We also discover Tushratta was Akenaton's uncle.

Assyrian king Ashur-Uballit 1413-1376 B.C., Babylonian king Burnaburiash 1428-1399 B.C.,
Hittite king Suppiluliumas 1428-1392 B.C., all paid Egyptian king Akenaton 1424-1407 B.C. tribute, according to the Tel Amarna letters.

Mar 14, 2012
Mitanni Chronology part 1
by: John

Biblical and Egyptian chronology match not only reveals Akenaton's true reign, the match also helps expose Mitanni history.

Mitanni king Tushratta 1445-1406 B.C. brought Egyptian king Amenhotep III 1462-1424 B.C. war booty from his victory over Hittite king Suppilu-liumas. Tushratta (Cush-Rishathaim Judges 3:8) controls all the land from the Euphrates river to the borders of Egypt when he oppresses Israel 1418-1410 B.C.

Othniel overthrew Tushratta in 1410 B.C. This action caused another round of war with the Hittites. Egyptian king Akenaton 1424-1407 B.C. sent no help for his uncle Tushratta thus making their military alliance worthless.

Hittite king Suppililiumas 1428-1392 B.C. took over the allied Mittani western city states and extended the Hittite empire's borders to Hobah west of Damascus. Hobah was where Abraham had chased his enemies. (Genesis 14:15) The Hittite king honored the Hebrews by not going south of Hobah. Tushratta was slain in a Mitanni civil war occurring soon after the Mitanni western city states fell.

Mitanni king Artatama II 1406-1396 B.C. betrayed his father Tushratta and sided with the Hittites. The Mitanni empire shrunk to the Hanigalbat region and were allied with Carchemish.

Mitanni Hittite vassal Mattiwaza 1396-1357 B.C. the Mitanni revolt against Hittite king Mursilas II 1391-1363 B.C. was put down. Mattiwaza who stayed loyal to the Hittites after fighting Assyrian king Enlil Nirari II 1375-1364 B.C. forces was reinstated.

To be continued...

Mar 14, 2012
How the Book of Judges Matches 1 Kings 6:1 Chronology
by: Anonymous

Placing the Book of Judges within the 480 year framework as mentioned in 1 Kings 6:1 correlates beautifully with other nations history. Here is how:

1418-1378 B.C. Othniel defeats Cushan-Rishathaim in his 8th year 1410 B.C.
1378-1298 B.C. Ehud slays Moabite king Eglon in his 18th year in 1360 B.C.
1298-1258 B.C. Deborah & Barak defeat Canaanite Jabin in their 20th year in 1278 B.C.
Gideon 1258-1218 B.C. defeats the children of the East (Syrians)in his 7th year 1251 B.C.
(Note: Egyptian queen Tausert 1251-1249 B.C. had an affair with her Syrian butler Bay.)

1218-1215 B.C. Abimelech slays his 70 half brothers.
1215-1192 B.C. Tola reigns as judge.
1192-1170 B.C. Jair reigns.
1170-1152 B.C. Ammon oppresses Israel 18 years. Judges during Ammon's oppression.
1170-1163 B.C. Ebson
1163-1153 Elon
1153-1147 B.C. Jepthah defeats Ammon 1152 B.C.

Judges 11:26 Israel in the land for 300 years.

1147-1139 B.C. Abdon reigns.
1139-1099 B.C. The Philistines oppress Israel. 1139-1119 Samson reigns.
1119-1099 B.C. Ark of the Covenant in Philistine hands.

King Saul 1099-1059 B.C.
David 1059-1019 B.C.
Solomon 1019-979 B.C.

King Solomon's 4th year (1 Kings 6:1) is 1015 B.C., some 480 years after the Exodus, which took place in 1495 B.C.

Mar 14, 2012
Hittite Chronology Match part II
by: Anonymous

Hittite king Arunwandas III 1274-1262 B.C. loses even more territory to the Assyrian king Tukulti-Ninurta I 1283-1247 B.C. Assyrians conquer large areas of Syria sending these children of the east to migrate to Lebanon, Israel and Egypt. Gideon would defeat these children of the east Syrians.(Judges 6:3-4) The Syrians fed their bellies with Israel's food stocks.

Egyptian king Amenmesses 1268-1263 B.C. Syrians begin migrating to Egypt.
Seti II 1263-1258 B.C. reign Syrians become more numerous in Egypt's delta.
Merneptah II's reign 1258-1251 B.C. Syrians take advantage of privilages during this cripple Egyptian boy's reign.
Egyptian queen Tausert 1251-1249 B.C. has an affair with her Syrian butler Bay.
The Syrian Irsu 1249-1247 B.C. took over Egypt's government.
Setnakht 1247-1245 B.C. ends Syrian domination.

Hittite king Suppiluliumas II 1262-1237 B.C. Hittites no longer receive Egyptian grain and the Hittite's western borders are now threatened. The Hittites receive grain shipments from Cyprus.
The Sea People's then overrun the Hittite empire in 1237 B.C.
Egyptian king Ramses III 1245-1213 B.C. 8th year of reign.

Hittite king Suppiluliumas I 1428-1392 B.C. had warred with the Mitanni king Tushratta 1445-1406 B.C.
Tushratta is the direct link to Cushan-Rishathaim (Judges 3:8) who controlled Israel 1418-1410 B.C.

Othniel won victory in 1410 B.C.

We get the 1410 B.C. date from How the Book of Judges matches 1 Kings 6:1 from the Exodus to Solomon's 4th year, some 480 years later.

Mar 14, 2012
Hittite Chronology Match part I
by: Anonymous

Think about the Hebrew chronology chart matching Egyptian history, since Hittite history can now be matched.

Hittite king Suppiluliumas I 1428-1392 B.C. pays Amenhotep III 1462-1424 B.C. and Akenaton 1424-1407 B.C. tribute. Akenaton's uncle is Tushratta(Cushan-Rishathaim in Judges 3:8).
Tushratta is attacked by Suppiluliumas. Tushratta loses his life in a Mitanni rebellion.

Semenkhare 1407-1406 B.C.

Sup then attacks Egyptian troops in Tut's reign 1406-1396 B.C. Tut's wife then offers to marry Sup's son Zannanza after Tut dies.

Egyptian king Ay 1396-1392 B.C. had Zannanza slain. Plague among Egyptian prisoners of war spreads throughout the Hittite empire. Sup and his son Arunwandas II 1392-1391 B.C. die of plague.

Hittite king Mursilas II 1391-1363 B.C.
Egyptian king Horemheb reigns 1392-1361 B.C. Plague dies down, along with the conflict between the Hittites and Egypt.

Hittite king Muwatallis 1363-1337 B.C.
Egyptian king Ramses I reigns 1361-1360 B.C. Egyptian king Seti I 1360-1347 B.C. and Ramses II 1347-1280 B.C. goes to war against Muwatallis.

Hittite king Mursilas III 1337-1330 B.C. was unstable and was forced out of power by Hittite king Hattusilas III 1330-1301 B.C.
Hattusilas III signed a peace treaty with Ramses II.

Hittite king Tudhaliyas III 1301-1274 B.C. warred against Assyrian king Shalmanesar I 1314-1284 B.C.

Tudhaliyas III made an alliance with the Amorites.
Some Amorites like the Jabin the Amorite/Canaanite attacks Israel.(Judges 4:1-3)
Egyptian king Merneptah I 1280-1268 B.C. sends food to the starving Hittites.

To be continued.....

Mar 13, 2012
Hebrew Chronolgy
by: Anonymous

Solomon's reign 1019-979 B.C. (1 Kings 11:42)

Rehoboam 979-962 B.C. (1 Kings 14:21)
Abijam 962-959 B.C. (1 Kings 15:2)
Asa 959-918 B.C. (1 Kings 15:10)
Jehoshaphat 918-893 B.C. (1 Kings 22:42)
Jehoram 893-885 B.C. (2 Kings 8:17)
Ahaziah 885-884 B.C. (2 Kings 8:26)
Athaliah 884-878 B.C. (2 Kings 11:1-3)
Jehoash 878-838 B.C. (2 Kings 12:1)
Amaziah 838-809 B.C. (2 Kings 14:2)
Uzziah 809-757 B.C. (2 Kings 15:2)

Jotham 757-741 B.C. (2 Kings 15:33)
Ahaz 741-725 B.C. (2 Kings 16:2)
Hezekiah 725-696 B.C. (2 Kings 18:2)
Manasseh 696-641 B.C. (2 Kings 21:1)
Amon 641-639 B.C. (2 Kings 21:19)
Josiah 639-608 B.C. (2 Kings 22:1)
Jehoahaz 608 B.C. (2 Kings 23:31)
Jehoiakim 608-597 B.C. (2 Kings 23:36)
Jehoichin 597 B.C. (2 Kings 24:8)
Zedekiah 597-586 B.C. (2 Kings 24:18)

Almost all historians state Solomon's temple was destroyed in 586 B.C. Running down the Judah kings list king Solomon reigned at 1019-979 B.C. Solomon's 4th year is 1015 B.C., some 480 years after (1 Kings 6:1) the Exodus, in 1495 B.C.

Solomon's 4 years = 480 years + 36 more years of reign = 516 years + 5 years Rehoboam = 521 years

We see in 974 B.C. the Shishak invasion. (1 Kings 14:25) in the Egyptian chart. Shishak died a few months after attacking Jerusalem.

We have a complete match up - Thutmose III the Exodus pharaoh, down to Shishak who attacked Jerusalem.

We have a complete match up. The Exodus date down to Solomon's temple destruction in 586 B.C.

Plus we completed the 521 years from the Exodus to Rehoboam's 5th year, and Shishak's invasion with no missing links!

Mar 13, 2012
Real Egyptian Chronology
by: Anonymous

Thutmose III the Exodus pharaoh in 1495 B.C.

Reigns given in solo years. Example; Amenhotep II listed 26 years. Reigns 24 years solo.

Amenhotep II 1495-1471 B.C.
Thutmose IV 1471-1462 B.C.
Amenehotep III 1462-1424 B.C.
Akenaton 1424-1407 B.C.
Semenkare 1407-1406 B.C.
Tut 1406-1396 B.C.
Ay 1396-1392 B.C.
Horemheb 1392-1361 B.C.
Ramses I 1361-1360 B.C.
Seti I 1360-1347 B.C.
Ramses II 1347-1280 B.C.
Merneptah I 1280-1268 B.C.
Amenmesses 1268-1263 B.C.
Seti II 1263-1258 B.C.
Merneptah II 1258-1251 B.C.

Queen Tausert 1251-1249 B.C.
Irsu 1249-1247 B.C.
Setnakht 1247-1245 B.C.
Ramses III 1245-1213 B.C.
Ramses IV 1213-1207 B.C.
Ramses V 1207-1203 B.C.
Ramses VI 1203-1193 B.C.
Ramses VII 1193-1192 B.C.
Ramses VIII 1192-1185 B.C.
Ramses IX 1185-1166 B.C.
Ramses X 1166-1157 B.C.
Ramses XI 1157-1130 B.C.
Smendes 1130-1103 B.C.
Neferkhres 1103-1099 B.C.
Psusennes I 1099-1049 B.C.
Amenmope 1049-1040 B.C.
Osokhor 1040-1034 B.C.
Siamon 1034-1014 B.C.
Psusennes II 1014-995 B.C.
Shishak 995-974 B.C.

Shishak dies a few months after attacking Jerusalem in Rehoboam's 5th year in 974 B.C., some 521 years after the Exodus. (1 Kings 14:25)

Solomon's actual reign is 1019-979 B.C. Solomon's 4th year 1015 B.C. is 480 years after the Exodus.

(1 Kings 6:1) 480 + 36 more Solomon years + 5 = 521 years after the Exodus Shishak attacks Egypt.

Note from

To everyone who has posted and contributed,

Great information! Keep up the good work and the great information you are providing. This is a fascinating thread!

Mar 13, 2012
The New Chronology - Egyptian vs. BIblical Chronology
by: Jason

Should you want to check where Egyptian chronology and Hebrew chronology link up, scroll down to Comments for Minoans in Crete, Egypt and Tel Kabri, Canaan part 2. (Jason)

Egyptian king Akenaton's reign 1424-1407 B.C. in Biblical Chronological Time.

Egyptian king Amenhotep III reign 1462-1424 B.C. was the time of the Tel Amarna letters stating the Haribu (Hebrews) had invaded Canaan.

Egyptian king Amenhotep III's reign was the renewal of sun worship. The sun had stood still in the sky for almost 24 hours. (Joshua 10:12-13) Amenhotep III wanted to take credit.

Moses lead the Hebrews out of Egypt in 1495 B.C. Joshua destroys Jericho in 1455 B.C.

Review both chronology charts. You may find the answer you are searching for. Scroll down on "What's New".

Have a nice day.

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