
by Andrea

The Nephilim, the "fallen ones", who were they? They are spoken of not only in the Bible but in other creation stories.

Are they descendants of a different race or of some other-worldly nature? Who are "the watchers"? Are there traces of these descendants with us today?

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Dec 20, 2010
by: Stanley7

Hi Andrea (Illinois),

Your comment to me, Stanley7, states the Nephilim, the "fallen ones", who are they? They are spoken of not only in the Bible, but in other creation stories. Are they descendants of a different races of some other - wordly nature? Who are "the watchers"? Are these traces of these descendants with us today?

Well, I, Stanley7 forgive your truly mistaken comment, as for what you, Andrea still do not know what to do. Since I sent all my true-proofed letters of Law and Order out to all peoples a few months ago, some weeks ago and a few days ago, as well.

The Nephilims were the truly giant/ goliath peoples with their 6 fingers in each hand and 6 toes in each foot - allover total 24s. They came from Cain's descendants (peoples) in the Land of Nod in the beginning. Later it was known as ancient Elam, ancient Persia and currently Iran. Please be noted that it was 2 miles East from the Garden of Eden border next to the Land of Nod (From currently Kuwait to currently Iran). Okay. JESUS STILL GIVES ME ALL HIS INFORMATIONS FOR YOU AND ALL PEOPLES, NOT any other creation stories. No, Cain's descendants (peoples) were NOT a different race of some other worldly nature. The Watchers were Cain's own true Evildoers. No, these traces of these descendants were NOT with us anymore a very, very long time ago unto today, because The flood by the Lord God destroyed all them away at the end. No More Hephilims/ Goliaths left on Earth for a very, very long time ago! Be smiled happily! Always yes and true! Okay.

Thank you,

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