The BIBLICAL land of Eden and Garden...

by John DiCesare

Land of Eden

Land of Eden

Please review my article that gives the BIBLICAL REFERENCES to the location of the land of Eden, on a map that reveals the "Land of Eden" encompasses the same area that God promised to Abraham:

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Aug 30, 2015
Additional evidence for Cush's location...
by: Map author

"I saw the tents of Cushan in affliction: and the curtains of the land of Midian did tremble." Habakkuk 3:7

Aug 15, 2015
by: Map author

I am presenting a hypothesis, Cush migrated, based on proofs. You are attempting to refute proofs based on opinion. I disagree. Migration and conquest was well apart of the time period, see article on genetics: . And Ham’s son Cush went on have sons: Seba, Havilah, Sabtah, Ra’amah, Sab’teca, and importantly, Nimrod. Ra’amah also had sons: Sheba and Dedan. (And the early Hindu peoples used almost these very names for some of their gods: Braham, Shiva, Raamah, and Cush are Hindu 'gods' whose names are nearly matches for Ham (notice 'ham' is in the word Braham), Sheba, Raamah, and Cush (see Genesis 10, v. 6 &7. It seems possible that the early Hindu peoples may have sprung from Hamitic stock, and began to worship their earliest post-flood ancestors.)

Aug 15, 2015
Biblical Cush is in Africa
by: Anonymous

There is no historical or scriptural document that states that Cush left his apportioned land in Africa. Please, note that these were inherited lands from their parents. Secondly, the names Havila, Sheba, Dedan appear in both lineages as a result of intermarriages of Ham and Shem families, and not that they left their ancestral portions. Names usually remained in the same families even to this day especially if it was a woman who went to marry. Now, if you are deciding on the location of the Garden of Eden, then Cush referred to in Genesis, is in Africa -- comparing scripture with scripture.

Aug 05, 2015
Additional reply
by: Map author

Other plausible questions would be: Did Cush ever return to his father's (Ham) region in Africa? And or, Did Cush's sons or their children ever return or visit their grandfather Ham in Africa?

Aug 05, 2015
Response to Anonymous Re: Chush
by: Map author

I am not disputing the birthplace of Cush, we agree it was most likely in Africa where Ham lived. I am simply further explaining where Chush later took up residence after his marriage with Simiramis and childeren Havilah and Raamah lived. It certainly does agree with the scriptures. In fact not only do we know that Nimrod was king of Shinar there but also Cush's other sons Havilah, Raamah were also in the region. We also know that Simiramis, Cush's wife was from Mesopotamia. Likewise the reference to Cushan-Rishathaim King of Mesopotamia confirms this. The unanswered questions are: Did Cush have other marriages and other children in Africa? And the answer to these are that they are certainly plausible.

Aug 05, 2015
Cushitic lands and Garden of Eden
by: Anonymous

Thanks Map Author. However, your submission does not agree with the scriptures, and other historical accounts. Speculating that Cush went to meet his wife Semiramis in the East has no foundation whatsoever. If Nimrod was a great hunter, then to leave Africa to Shinar was no difficult task for him. He didn't have to be born there. Cush in the Bible signifies South of Egypt. All the passages in the Bible refers to this. The Cushites in the Bible are Africans.

Jul 29, 2015
by: Map author

All of the evidences presented for Eden's location are primarily taken from Torah and some form Tanakh with the historical observations using the homiletics, hermeneutic and exegesis methods.

Jul 29, 2015
To map author
by: Anonymous

It is so surprising that the Map author is Cristian and not Jewish..I know that Jesus Bible is considered as an extension of the old Jewish Bible goal was to read the story of Jewish in Egypt from the point of view of the Jewish themselves..sure there is a difference between Torah and Jesus there is a difference between Koran and Jesus Torah was a reference of both Bible and Koran,some stories in Torah are certified by Koran,and that is why i like to discuss that with the Jewish

Jul 28, 2015
to Map author
by: Anonymous

the previous discussion was about the comparison between our story and your story,and nothing to deal with Islam as you mentioned..on the other hand we talk about Torah here and not the Bible of Jesus..and if you are a Jewish,do you believe that Jesus (the Lord according to your story) died to remove the sins of humanity...sorry there is a big difference in we believe that God can not be died...the other comments about Eden ,thanks to the friends who explained the story in details to enrich my information about that topic...Regards

Jul 27, 2015
@ Anonymous regarding Islam
by: Map author

@ Anonymous comment regarding Islam. Unfortunately this is not the place or article to discuss or debate Islam, it's just not the forum for that topic. Thank you for your interest and I do appreciate your comments though. Yes in the natural sense God is God of all; however, as a Christian, I would have to point out that Mohamed did not die for the sins of mankind, only Jesus Christ died on the Cross for mankind, so I would encourage you to continue reading the Torah, even the Tanakh, and the New Testament.

Jul 27, 2015
Response to Cush comment
by: Map author

In my article I explain the question of Cush as follows... "Wasn’t Cush in Africa? It should be noted that the "land of Cush" or "latter Cush" in Genesis 2:13 was more likely named post-flood after the son of Ham. It then was used as a reference in writing Genesis 2:13 as to where the Gihon was. Ham, according to the Table of Nations in the Book of Genesis, was a son of Noah and the father of Cush. It is true that Cush’s father Ham lived in the region of lower Egypt "old Kush" at which time the region of Kush may have derived it’s name. However, Cush (son of Ham) must have then relocated to the Mesopotamia region (where his wife Semiramis was from) and bore his son Nimrod who became King of Shinar (in Mesopotamia). Furthermore, Judges 3:8,10 reference the "Cushan-Rishathaim King of Mesopotamia". The Shinar, Babylonian/Assyrian regions are much closer to the proposed Gihon River. So it is plausible that there was a second region referred to as Cush (latter) located where the proposed Gihon River was, and as referenced in Genesis 2:13 or what became Elam. It’s also plausible that Cush wanted to return to the Garden region that led him to re-settle at the Gihon river. The adjacent known name locations of Cush’s sons settled in Persian Gulf and Arabia Genesis 10:7 (i.e. Nimrod, Havilah, Raamah) likewise reflect the more easterly region in which Cush himself took up residence later in life."

Jul 27, 2015
Map author
by: Anonymous

Sorry Linda the response was from me the map author, not anonymous.

Jul 27, 2015
Map author
by: Anonymous

Sorry Linda the response was from me the map author, not anonymous.

Jul 27, 2015
@ Linda
by: Anonymous

Thank you Linda for your comment. I viewed Dr. Grady McMurtry's video and like it very much. I would agree that his theory is biblical, and would like to add that as he describes that it began in Israel, it most likely also increased in intensity as it progressed around the world leaving me with the hypothesis that it began "relatively" calm so as to lift the ark and not destroy it; likewise, allowing for least land damage to the typography and megalithic remains in the Eden region where the cleaving began, thus enabling Noah and his family to re-identify the Euphrates and the like. The Bible is very clear, as I described in my article, where Eden was and it is never wrong.

Jul 27, 2015
about the comments
by: Anonymous

it is quite obvious that some articles I have just read,are somewhat true (in my point of view only)...I would like to say that father Abram is not only the father of Israelite ,but also the father of Muslims (fore sons of Ismael)...we believe that in certain time you were the elite of God (but not for life)..history mentioned that you have broken many promises with God,,you killed many prophets (and not messengers ,like Moses,and others)...these prophets came to you to remind you with the promise with God (according to what mentioned in Koran)...we do respect and love lady Sara as well as father Abram..and we know that Hager( the grand mother of Muslims.the Egyptian Queen who was captured by the king of north Egypt,and treated as slave)..we know also that the ancient king of Egypt most welcomed Sara and Abram,and given them lot treasures and in addition Hager (to help and serve them during their long trip)..the will of God decided that Hager delivered Ismael before Isaac (whatever the the mothers of them)...but they are the sons of father foe EDEN,it was mentioned in Koran in the name ADEN,the God described this land as a paradise with many rivers underneath..I wonder about the similar name of ADEN (south of Yemen) and EDEN ?...finally ,I really enjoy this discussion ,just to exchange the different stories mentioned in Torah and Koran,and to remind you that God (Allah) is not only the God of Jewish ,but also our God

Jul 27, 2015
Garden of Eden:Land of Cush is in Africa
by: Anonymous

Hello Map Author,

If you allow scripture to interpret scripture, Cush is in Africa and not in Asia. Ham and his four sons settled in Africa and pasts of what is today Middle East. Egypt was known as the Land of Ham. Cush settled South of his brother Mizraim (Egypt). He never went to live in Sumeria or Shinar after the scattering. It was his last son, Nimrod, who lived in Shinar, and who might have attracted the Cushites there. When the Bible refers to Cush, it refer to Africa. Eden is actually Eastward standing in Africa. The Garden of Eden is located Eastward in Eden." And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed." Gen 2:8.

" And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads.

11 The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold;

12 And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone.

13 And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia.

14 And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates." Gen 2: 11-14

The only place where a river passes through all the land is , in this case, Cush/Ethiopia. This is in Africa where the Nile passes through the Cushitic lands.

Jul 27, 2015
by: Linda

This might explain why it is difficult to pinpoint the exact location of Eden - before the Great Flood the land which formed the earth was all in one mass but after the Great Flood it got broken up. This is what we see today the broken mass of land!
Please watch 'The Waters Cleaved' by Dr. Grady McMurtry


In anticipation of the return of OUR
Messiah Yeshua!

Jul 24, 2015
Response to anonymous
by: Map Author

First let me say that I am NOT Jewish and NOT Israeli. Second, yes it is written in Torah, Genesis 15:18, 17:8 "On the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying:
"To your descendants I have given this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the River Euphrates", and "Also I give to you and your descendants after you the land in which you are a stranger, all the land of Canaan, as an everlasting possession; and I will be their God." (See also: Exod. 6:8, 23:31 & Deut. 1:8). It was Israeli people that held to the Torah and passed it down, not the Ishmaelites.

Thirdly, you associate the Egyptians with the Koran, yet the Egyptian dynasties were long past before the Koran was ever written. Therefore, there is no historical associations with Islam and Egyptians, the Egyptians were polytheistic. The Egyptian's last dynasty ended in 332 BC and Islam only began in 609 AD. The Israelites only temporarily went to Egypt (that God previously promised to Father Abraham anyways), and due to famine, then; subsequently, they were held captive there as slaves, this is in Torah. In my article you will see that Torah says Eden belongs to Israel:

Jul 24, 2015
about EDEN land
by: Anonymous

As you know I am Egyptian,this map ,you said that God had promised father Abraham to give this land to the that written in Torah?...and if so,do you believe that the Egyptians who were existing before Abraham many thousands years ago will accept to leave a part of Egypt for you?...sure is written in our KORAN that God had given you the land of Israel and said go with prophet Moses to fight the people of KANAN who killed lot of you and forced you to leave the land...but you did not respect the word of God,moreover asked Moses to fight with his God this people.and you preferred to live in Egypt...Koran mentioned a lot of your history with God...but did not mention that the land of EDEN belongs to you

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