The Bible

by Robert Marshall
(Clinton Pa.)

It is fine to give opinions about anyone in the Bible, but we can't isolate them from the rest of the Bible. Gods plan when He wrote the Bible through man, was to give a complete plan of what God is doing. He is telling the saved and the unsaved what He is going to do after history is finished. God used certain people in positions of His plan to complete the plan.

Everything God does is so far advanced above what man can understand, that he had to bring it down to a level man could understand. The Bible is a book for saved and unsaved. For the unsaved it is a book of stories about life in the flesh. For the saved it is a spiritual book of what God will do in eternity. Anybody can read the Bible and understand it with the carnal mind. If anyone wants to understand the Bible spiritually, only the Holy Spirit can teach them. These are the hidden mysteries of God. We read about Nimrod and how God used him in Gods plan.

Throughout the Bible we can read about how God used a lot of different people, to do His bidding. It is like everything that God is doing. Everything that God did was a step at a time. The Bible calls it, line upon line, and precept upon precept. we look at out lives as a piece of the puzzle. We can't look ahead to see what will happen in our lives. Jesus said, don't worry about tomorrow, you have enough worries in this day. Everyone can look at the past and see what happened, but nobody can look at the future and see what will happen.

Even the past is not fully the truth. There are bits and pieces of the past that only God knows. So history is tainted where man is concerned. The Bible is a history book, a law book, a story book, a love letter, a last will and testament, a Spiritual book, and a book that tells the future of the saved and unsaved. That is where man is in the whole concept of what God is doing. We all fit in there somewhere. The Bible is last but not least, a wedding album.

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