Garden of Eden.

by David
(Toronto ,Ontario)

You can't see the Garden of Eden with normal eyes. Same thing with the burning bush. Visions are for the prophets, or the choosen ones.

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Jan 18, 2012
by: Anonymous

Sure Gd, was speaking to me one day and He said that He is ever looking for men who will serve Him, but most don't really want to go the full mile, so He has decided to choose servants for Himself, and if you are among the chosen servants, He says that He reveals His secrets to His servants as they lie in bed.

The Biblical Garden of Eden may not be seen by the eyes of man. As commanded it closed but it was right here on earth. He flooded it during the flood out of anger, but its still where He placed it, not for man to go there now, but a time will come when we shall all eat of the tree of life as recorded in Revelations by all nations.

Like Mary, ponder on what Gd says in scripture, for it's a book of prophecy unless you don't believe in prophets anymore.

Nov 10, 2011
More Than This
by: Spencer

The garden was destroyed along with the rest of the paradise that was before the flood. In fact, the Biblical Garden of Eden could be under two miles of sediment in Kansas for all anyone knows.

As for visions given only to the chosen, well I suppose I would agree with that - if our Father chooses to give one a vision, well then I suppose that would make that one a chosen one then.

PS: What is the deal with the 'yes and true' stuff that other guy said in 2010? Pretty weird guru stuff I think....

Blessings in Messiah

Dec 19, 2010
Garden of Eden
by: Stanley7

Verily, verily I, Stanley7 say to you, David, Toronto, Ontario that you, David are always very deadly WRONG all the times all more years to come.

Always yes and true! You still make your own true fully misunderstandings. Always yes and true! I thanked Lord Jesus Christ very much for His Wonderful Information with His Authority, Consent and Permission to His Own True Right Chosen Servant, Stanley7 only one left on Earth, because He gave me only His Full 7,000 Pages with His Full Dates on Saturday Early Morning, Abib/ Nisan/ AUGUST, 3rd Day, 1994th Lord Year (6th Year) and 6824th Lord Year (6th Year).

He came in His Own True Person to me, so I was glad to see HIM truly in person. Always yes and true! You, David shall NEVER see HIM, as same as all Earth Peoples shall NEVER see Him, too, except me only one left on Earth.

You, David know NOTHING. Always yes and true! My honesty is always celebrating my huge VICTORY over your dishonesty ever best as always. Bye. Truthfully, Stanley7 Halek, Semite/ Hebrew/ Jewish/ Christian/ Canadian/ Servant

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