From Something to Nothing

by Panayiotis Kourkoumelis Sr.
(Astoria, Queens, NY)

At once when Eve ate the forbidden fruit and gave this to Adam, the beginnings of sin put both of them in a state of mortal beings and they foolishly relinquished the immortality that God may have offered them, had they listened to the Lord. The serpent was the culprit to conguer these two souls and then their offspring, Abel and Cain tasted the trueness of sin when they argued and finally Cain resorted to killing his one and only brother, Abel. What a fascinating event where sinners of that one serpent carried on with the offspring as well and until this day, killing is nonchalant as it bears no obedience to God or to fellow mnakind. They did not cherish the will and laws of God but carried on with the obtuse decisions concerning their life, as well as others.But God threw a curve ball to all humans, confess, repent, and be saved!
Respectfully Yours,
A die hard Orthodox Christian

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Nov 07, 2015
no immortality in flesh
by: Elijahovah

The loss of angels in heaven coming to earth and sinning while they deny it is sin, is then countered with men from earth repenting and claimed predicted by God will behave PERFECT if given heaven. BUT this is not the reward for man. Flesh is mortal (can die) but will not die so that ever lasting and lasting ever life is promised. NOT immortality which means cannot bleed out.

Further, the idea of sin is explained by more than saying temptation gives birth to sin by desiring it. When Jesus said blaspheme God and be forgiven, blaspheme the son and be forgiven, but do not blaspheme the spirit, the difference is that of cursing and hating persons, hating YOU, hating me, hating God, hating Jesus versus hating the wind, hating the spirit, hating the efforts, hating the path to future. Hating the spirit means to defy the driving spirit that constantly warns you to correct error. It goes without saying that if you keep rejecting then you will never get there. And that is why Jesus says that who you hate isn't the problem, or who you speak against. The problem is never changing your ways to the spirit that moves you to do right and change. Liars say Hey i have already changed. Liars say we do not have to change, forgive without change.

Liars say reward without change. Blessed without change. Where have you seen an STD go away without change of conduct even if that change is merely take meds to kill it. (But of course the spirit brings it back if you keep messing in years to come. The spirit saves bacteria and virus who have a job, and saves them as it saves us by fighting chemicals that in the future quit killing them. The virus gets immune just like we do. So you are testing the spirit in the wrong way when you do not quit. You are hating the spirit, blaspheming the spirit, to boast youv'e been cured of your STD and go get it again.)

And so this unveils the truth, that Adam said not once but decades and centuries gainst the spirit to do good, he kept saying this woman disrupts so why bother. Likewise, Cain would not have thought himself greater than younger Abel had Adam not thought himself greater than younger Eve. The sin was in their future because it was their spirit of things that had changed. People are still this way. They thrive on behavior and deny it is a killing attitude, and of i rather die than do. No country has yet to have the true soldiers of Christianity described in the bible as a sword of tongue and shield of bible and faith. This is why resurrection back in flesh is a must to show they are not veterans. They were NOT God's soldiers to God's kingdom as Stephen was.

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