Garden of Eden Destroyed

by Kevin

I have problems with both locations for the Biblical Garden of Eden in this article. According to the Bible we should not be able to find the former garden as it existed at creation, and before the Genesis Flood.

That event would have not only destroyed the garden - as it did with the rest of the world - but also buried it in some of the many rock layers deposited during the flood.

As for the idea that the Tigris and Euphrates of today are the same as before the flood, this is not taking the names of the rivers in Genesis into account. The original names given in Genesis were the Hiddekel (for the Tigris) and Perath (for the Euphrates).

This further takes away from the idea that the rivers mentioned in Genesis are the same as what we find today.

I hope that this information might help.

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Aug 29, 2010
Uncertain at best

It is important to keep in mind that any theory of the location of the Biblical Garden of Eden is a theory at best, and cannot be verified with any certainty.

The rivers mentioned in Genesis were rivers of the pre-flood world, as pointed out by the post above. This was a world in which we know very little to nothing about.

What is known is that the environment was radically different. There was no rain, as the earth was watered from below as well as above. Many have claimed the earth's environment was like that of a green house, in a perfect state of equilibrium. Nothing of the geography of the pre-flood world, however, is discussed.

It is the nature of man to seek for that which is hidden. The best efforts can only be based on the evidence available to one at the present.

The Biblical evidence for the location of the Garden of Eden cannot be used with any absolute certainty to prove or disprove any theory. For one must not assume with any certainty the pre-flood world possessed a drastically different geography, for there is no evidence to necessarily suggest such.

The Hiddekel river, interestingly, appears again in Scripture in the Old Testament book of Daniel. In Daniel 10:4, the prophet Daniel speaks of a vision he received on the banks "of the great river, which is, Hiddekel."

The NASB translates "Tigris". However, the Hebrew word used is "Hiddekel", the very same name of the river mentioned in regards to the Biblical Garden of Eden. Some point to this passage as good evidence the river referred to is, indeed, the Tigris, as that is the only "great river" in the area.

This cannot be verified with any certainty, though. Yet it does prove the word "Hiddekel" was being used in the time of Daniel to describe the Tigris river.

Other such pieces of "evidence" exists which support arguments in favor of their own theories, however, all arguments can only be theory, not fact.

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