Added Information on the Biblical Garden of Eden

by Lawrence Hebb
(Hamilton, New Zealand)

Since writing the article I've uncovered some more interesting stuff that indicates the Southern location as the possible source.

First of all the Persian gulf is only under water by 35 metres. Geologists tell us that it flooded sometime between 10,000 BC and 5,000 BC. This was because before that there was a kind of ICE age where glaciers covered much of Europe. The Mediteranean sea was above sea level and there was a Land bridge linking Europe to the British Isles.

The Tigris and Euphrates rivers flowed in much the same path as they do today, with the difference that it was much longer. Also there's a river called the Kihon in Iran that enters the gulf at the Northern end and saellite photos from NASA show a dried up river bed that flows into the gulf. At the head of the river bed are known silica deposits and semi precious stones that the Bible tells us about.

All this points to the Biblical Garden of Eden being just under the Persian gulf.

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Jan 03, 2012
Biblical Garden of Eden
by: Robert Marshall

I know there are many mysteries in life about where many different parts of the world ended up after the flood. We know the area where they were, but it is very hard to pinpoint them. I am sure there were many changes in the physical world. The world shifted 4 degrees on it's axis. There were mountains and valleys that existed where there were none before.

So to get even close to the actual place is quite a success. I agree that we are all brothers and sisters from a different mothers womb. Our cultures are different, so I guess that is where all the trouble comes from. Love and peace for all my brothers and sisters throughout the world. Someday we will all find out who is right and who is wrong. We may all be surprised to find out we were all wrong.

Jan 03, 2012
The Garden of E-Din
by: David Sheriff

With reference to the note from Lawrence Hebb, I believe as Sitchin stated that the The Garden of E-Din as written in Sumerian texts was to the North, an area between the Tigris & Euphrates, yes the rivers may well have been longer, but this would have provided a well drained area to the north, which as written pre-biblical times was green and fertile, necessary for an emerging race of humans to live and survive.

When Noah was told to build an Arc, this would have been carried northwards into modern Turkey and that is where it is today on Mount Aramat as written in the Holy Koran and the Bible. Rising sea levels would have flooded both rivers and carried the Arc northwards..this is the logical explanation.

All information is vital for all concerned, even if we may differ slightly.....

A Happy New year with Peace, Health, Love & Prosperity for ALL, no matter your ethnicity or religion. What keeps us together is far stronger than that which separates us.

Blessings to all.

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